My enemy’s enemy is my friend. Differences acknowledged, boundaries
 respected. My enemy’s enemy is my biggest advocate. United against our
mutual enemies, my enemy’s enemy supports me. 

Even when my worst enemy is me.

enemy’s enemy is a creative website 

made to showcase musings
about design, art, current news, and more.

enemy’s enemy is a creative website 

made to showcase musings
about design, art, current news, and more.

My enemy’s enemy is my friend. Differences
acknowledged, boundaries respected. My enemy’s
enemy is my biggest advocate. United against our
mutual enemies, my enemy’s enemy supports me. 

Even when my worst enemy is me.

Listen up.

Jam to the tunes
on our playlist.

Only through exploration and practice can one expect to learn and grow. Here you will find half-baked ideas, iterations of past projects, and wonky concepts, all documentation of our efforts to keep going. The Project Archive showcases sketches and creative work that were made for fun.